
Where To Find Trade Authority In Starfield (All Locations)

Is your inventory full and you don’t want to throw items? Use these Trade Authority locations to sell them in Starfield. You can sell almost everything and get the money for them. Collecting resources might not be as hard as making money. So getting rid of extra materials for cash is not a bad option. You can sell all kinds of items, no matter if you got them legally or illegally. They will even buy Contraband. So it’s your one-stop solution for all. Plus, they give a reasonable price for everything you sell.

All Trade Authority Locations in Starfield

New Atlantis Trade Authority Location

  • Jemison, Alpha Centauri System

You will find this Trade Authority in The Well, a hidden area below the city. You can take an elevator near the MAST District to get to the tunnel that leads to the Authority. Just exit the tunnel and look for the Trade Authority building. It is easily recognizable because the word is painted large outside the Authority.

The Den Trade Authority Location

  • Wolf System

The Authority isn’t large. But can be easily found while exploring the central area. The Den is a satellite found near the Chthonia planet of the Wolf System. It is best for selling Contraband, as you don’t get scanned for entering the system.

Cydonia Trade Authority Location

  • Sol System

To find this Trade Authority visit the mining colony of the planet. Keep walking the ramp till you see a small Trade Authority sign outside the shop. It’s a white glowing sign with black letters.

Neon Trade Authority Location

  • Volii Alpha, Volii System

You will find the Neon Trade Authority in the left part of the habitat. You can take the elevator straight from where you landed. After getting off the elevator, you will easily find the Authority. You will see a yellow glowing sign of the Trade Authority.

Akila Trade Authority Location

  • Akila, Cheyenne System

Get to Akila City and find the GalBank. GalBank is on the right side. Once you have found the bank, go behind it, and you will see the Trade Authority. Take the alleyway beside the bank to get there.

These are all the Trade Authority locations of Starfield. Head there and sell items, including Contraband for money. After that, check out our other Starfield guides to learn about the best skills and how to unlock planet traits.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

Published by
Mansi Singh